Ticket #18021: patch-logwatch.diff

File patch-logwatch.diff, 1.7 KB (added by nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne), 16 years ago)

ui_msg changes, destroot.keepdirs added, bumped revision. builds and runs successfully for me.

  • security/logwatch/Portfile

    Common subdirectories: /Users/snc/Source/macports-trunk/dports/security/logwatch/.svn and security/logwatch/.svn
    diff -u /Users/snc/Source/macports-trunk/dports/security/logwatch/Portfile security/logwatch/Portfile
    old new  
    44PortSystem          1.0
    66name                logwatch
     7revision            1
    78version             7.3.6
    89distname            logwatch-${version}
    910categories          security
    2526use_configure       no
    2627build { }
     28destroot.keepdirs   ${destroot}${prefix}/var/cache/${name}
    2729destroot {
    2931    reinplace s|/usr/share/${name}|${prefix}/share/${name}|g ${worksrcpath}/scripts/logwatch.pl
    5557    ln -s ${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/${name}/org.macports.${name}.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
    5658    ui_msg "###########################################################"
    5759    ui_msg "# A startup item has been generated that will aid in"
    58     ui_msg "# starting dnsmasq with launcd. It is disabled"
     60    ui_msg "# starting logwatch with launchd. It is disabled"
    5961    ui_msg "# by default. Execute the following command to start it,"
    6062    ui_msg "# and to cause it to launch at startup:"
    6163    ui_msg "#"
    62     ui_msg "# sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.dnsmasq.plist"
     64    ui_msg "# sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.logwatch.plist"
    6365    ui_msg "###########################################################"