Ticket #18037: pguyot-dp.diff

File pguyot-dp.diff, 1.7 KB (added by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), 16 years ago)
  • lang/tuareg-mode.el/Portfile

    2121                    sha1    ee557fc003537a2eed8c351fcb50cf52e8926c48 \
    2222                    rmd160  cd99520a8b6940198b2db9a2cb9abeee309f8514
    24 # We want emacs from DP since this will install stuff in emacs' site-lisp and we want
     24# We want emacs from MacPorts since this will install stuff in emacs' site-lisp and we want
    2525# it to go into ${prefix}'s site-lisp.
    2626depends_lib                     path:${prefix}/bin/emacs:emacs
    2727depends_run                     bin:ocaml:ocaml
  • lang/ocaml-mode.el/Portfile

    1313master_sites            http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/dist/
    1414checksums                       md5 ace102dfb75a20e15a60d962cc3a5edb
    16 # We want emacs from DP since this will install stuff in emacs' site-lisp and we want
     16# We want emacs from MacPorts since this will install stuff in emacs' site-lisp and we want
    1717# it to go into ${prefix}'s site-lisp.
    1818depends_lib                     path:${prefix}/bin/emacs:emacs
    1919depends_run                     bin:ocaml:ocaml
  • devel/tcllib/Portfile

    2020# There is a bug in this port, it won't work with LANG or LC_ALL unset.
    2121destroot.env            LANG=C LC_MESSAGES=C LC_CTYPE=C LC_ALL=C
    23 # Install this in DP tree, with DP's Tcl.
    2423depends_lib                     port:tcl \
    2524                                        port:graphviz \
    2625                                        port:tk