Ticket #18124: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.3 KB (added by scott@…, 16 years ago)
1# $Id$
2PortSystem 1.0
3PortGroup perl5 1.0
5perl5.setup             Net-IP-Match-Regexp 1.01
6maintainers             hostwizard.com:scott
8description             Net::IP::Match::Regexp - Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges
10long_description        This module allows you to check an IP address against one \
11                        or more IP ranges. It employs Perl's highly optimized \
12                        regular expression engine to do the hard work, so it is \
13                        very fast. It is optimized for speed by doing the match \
14                        against a regexp which implicitly checks the broadest IP \
15                        ranges first. An advantage is that the regexp can be \
16                        computed and stored in advance (in source code, in a \
17                        database table, etc) and reused, saving much time if the \
18                        IP ranges don't change too often. The match can optionally \
19                        report a value (e.g. a network name) instead of just a boolean, \
20                        which makes module useful for mapping IP ranges to names \
21                        or codes or anything else.
23homepage                http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-IP-Match-Regexp/lib/Net/IP/Match/Regexp.pm
25platforms               darwin
27checksums               md5     5558a916d5d15884be949c9f7fc71a49 \
28                        sha1    062484cd6cb0f19602d1301a7a56a621c33b7594 \
29                        rmd160  ce046da3066853cb113325eb2a6f8ba2743fbea6