Ticket #18208: Portfile-ng-spice.diff

File Portfile-ng-spice.diff, 1.8 KB (added by godboutn@…, 16 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 30251 2007-10-23 02:18:30Z jmpp@macports.org $
     1# $Id:$
    33PortSystem 1.0
    44name             ng-spice
    5 version          rework-15c
     5version          rework-18
    66categories       science
    77maintainers      nomaintainer
    88description      Circuit simulator based on Spice 3f5
    99long_description \
    10     ${description}
     10                 Ngspice is a mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. Its \
     11                 code is based on three open source software packages: Spice3f5, \
     12                 Cider1b1 and Xspice. Ngspice is part of gEDA project, a full \
     13                 GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools. \
     14                 Note: this port does not compile the Cider and Xspice modules.
    1115homepage         http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/
    1216platforms        darwin
    1418master_sites     sourceforge:ngspice
    15 checksums        md5 55157484b65073e981ad7c7baf6d4101
    17 worksrcdir       ${name}-rework-15
     20depends_build    port:libtool
    19 configure.args   --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info
     22checksums        md5 3ab09b939939f7d0fb8cc9d8c77ead71 \
     23                 sha1 fd97cf87e164ad5b9f8ff8c73cfcef4480c4047e \
     24                 rmd160 e123c97060ce427ff11e6859b61dbd471ebf0cf9
     26patchfiles       patch-autogen.sh.diff \
     27                 patch-postsc.c.diff \
     28                 patch-hpgl.c.diff \
     29                 patch-runcoms.c.diff \
     30                 patch-runcoms2.c.diff \
     31                 patch-numparam.h.diff \
     32                 patch-spicenum.c.diff
     34pre-configure {
     35        system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ./autogen.sh"
     37configure.args   --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
     38                 --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \
     39                 --with-editline=yes \
     40                 --enable-x