Ticket #18268: bind9.diff

File bind9.diff, 1.0 KB (added by blb@…, 16 years ago)

diff to Portfile

  • Portfile

    6464        destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run
     67post-activate {
     68        ui_msg "******************************************************"
     69        ui_msg "* To setup named to run, you need to copy named.conf.dist"
     70        ui_msg "* to named.conf:"
     71        ui_msg "* sudo cp ${prefix}/etc/named.conf.dist ${prefix}/etc/named.conf"
     72        ui_msg "* and edit as needed.  If you use the default zone files for
     73        ui_msg "* 127.0.0, localhost, and the cache, you also need to copy"
     74        ui_msg "* those files:"
     75        ui_msg "* sudo cp ${prefix}/var/named/db.127.0.0.dist ${prefix}/var/named/db.127.0.0"
     76        ui_msg "* sudo cp ${prefix}/var/named/db.cache.dist ${prefix}/var/named/db.cache"
     77        ui_msg "* sudo cp ${prefix}/var/named/db.localhost.dist ${prefix}/var/named/db.localhost"
     78        ui_msg "******************************************************"
    6781platform darwin 6 { depends_lib-append lib:libdl:dlcompat }