Ticket #18304: patch-portbuild.tcl.diff

File patch-portbuild.tcl.diff, 1.3 KB (added by lperry (Perry Lee), 15 years ago)
  • portbuild.tcl

    106106proc portbuild::build_getnicevalue {args} {
    107     if {![exists build.nice] || [string match "* *" [option build.cmd]]} {
     107    if {![exists build.nice]} {
    108108        return ""
    109109    }
    110110    set nice [option build.nice]
    165165    set jobs_suffix [build_getjobsarg]
    167167    set realcmd ${build.cmd}
    168     set build.cmd "$nice_prefix${build.cmd}$jobs_suffix"
     168    set build.cmd [list]
     170    # If build.cmd can be a series of commands, we need to iterate through the
     171    # list and apply nice to commands that are not shell built-in commands.
     172    set add_nice_prefix 1
     173    foreach word [split [join $realcmd]] {
     174        # Only the first word in build.cmd and words that follow the control
     175        # operators && and || should be commands.
     176        if {$add_nice_prefix && ![catch {findBinary $word} result]} {
     177            lappend build.cmd "$nice_prefix$word"
     178        } else {
     179            lappend build.cmd $word
     180        }
     181        set add_nice_prefix 0
     183        if {$word eq "&&" || $word eq "||"} {
     184            set add_nice_prefix 1
     185        }
     186    }
     187    set build.cmd "[join ${build.cmd}]$jobs_suffix"
    169189    command_exec build
    170190    set build.cmd ${realcmd}
    171191    return 0