Ticket #18370: Portfile-p5-razor-agents.diff

File Portfile-p5-razor-agents.diff, 2.7 KB (added by compconsultant@…, 16 years ago)

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  • Portfile

    old new  
    11# $Id: Portfile 30247 2007-10-23 02:05:08Z jmpp@macports.org $
    2 PortSystem 1.0
    3 PortGroup perl5 1.0
    5 perl5.setup             razor-agents 2.36
    6 revision                3
    7 maintainers             nomaintainer
     3PortSystem              1.0
     4PortGroup               perl5 1.0
     6perl5.setup             razor-agents 2.84
     7revision                0
     8maintainers             yahoo.com:compconsultant
    89categories-append       mail
    9 description             a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filter network
     10description             A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filter network
    1011long_description        Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam \
    11                                         detection and filtering network. Through user \
    12                                         contribution, Razor establishes a distributed and \
    13                                         constantly updating catalogue of spam in propagation \
    14                                         that is consulted by email clients to filter out \
    15                                         known spam.  Detection is done with statistical and \
    16                                         randomized signatures that efficiently spot mutating \
    17                                         spam content. User input is validated through \
    18                                         reputation assignments based on consensus on report \
    19                                         and revoke assertions which in turn is used for \
    20                                         computing confidence values associated with \
    21                                         individual signatures.
     12                        detection and filtering network. Through user \
     13                        contribution, Razor establishes a distributed and \
     14                        constantly updating catalogue of spam in propagation \
     15                        that is consulted by email clients to filter out \
     16                        known spam.  Detection is done with statistical and \
     17                        randomized signatures that efficiently spot mutating \
     18                        spam content. User input is validated through \
     19                        reputation assignments based on consensus on report \
     20                        and revoke assertions which in turn is used for \
     21                        computing confidence values associated with \
     22                        individual signatures.
    2224homepage                http://razor.sourceforge.net/
    23 master_sites    sourceforge:razor
    24 checksums               md5 5deaae3ea2300bf480b6904f8a69a7f1
     25master_sites            sourceforge:razor
     26checksums               md5 8b9a11a6ce020383c32c45d1530d77c2 \
     27                        sha1 53bcf78beeea36d8e20441a506c285ff0ef4b75a \
     28                        rmd160 204fc2b68ca6f01329676a62b36ca87be659565d
    2530platforms               darwin
    2732# Depends on these Perl modules
    28 depends_lib-append              port:p5-digest-nilsimsa \
    29                                 port:p5-digest-sha1 \
    30                                 port:p5-net-dns \
    31                                 port:p5-uri
    33 patchfiles              patch-razor2.spamassassin
    35 post-destroot {
    36         foreach script {razor-admin razor-check razor-report razor-revoke} {
    37                 ui_info "Creating link ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${script}"
    38                 system "ln -fs razor-client ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${script}"
    39         }
    40 }
     33depends_lib-append      port:p5-net-dns \
     34                        port:p5-digest-sha1 \
     35                        port:p5-uri
     37use_bzip2               yes
     39livecheck.url           ${homepage}
     40livecheck.regex         razor-agents-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)