Ticket #18534: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by giorgio_v@…, 16 years ago)
1# $Id$
2PortSystem              1.0
4name                    tclxml
5version                 3.2
6revision                0
7categories              lang tcl
8maintainers             mac.com:giorgio_v
9description             This package provides XML parsers, DOM scripting and XSL Transformations for Tcl.
10long_description        In previous distributions, these features (TclXML, TclDOM, and TclXSLT) were supplied as \
11                        separate packages. Now they have been combined into a single package to make \
12                        installation easier. \
13                        TclXML provides a streaming parser for XML documents. \
14                        TclDOM provides a tree view for XML documents. This is usually the best interface \
15                        for scripting XML documents using Tcl.  \
16                        TclXSLT provides a method to invoke XSL Transformations upon XML documents. This \
17                        package is a wrapper for the libxslt library.
18homepage                http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/
19platforms               darwin
20master_sites            sourceforge:tclxml
21checksums               md5  9d1605246c899eff7db591bca3c23200 \
22                        sha1  bb6a551785b12162ae977f66d7ad3d70e094e122 \
23                        rmd160  618d19c83159e85b1f95e4e8a173280d9ecb647c
24depends_run             port:tcl port:tcllib port:libxml2
25configure.args          --with-prefix=${prefix} --with-tcl=${prefix}/lib
26livecheck.check regex
27livecheck.url   http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=13178&package_id=13686
28livecheck.regex tclxml-(\[0-9\\.\]+)\\.tar.gz