Ticket #18637: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.6 KB (added by scott@…, 16 years ago)
1# $Id$
2PortSystem 1.0
3PortGroup perl5 1.0
5perl5.setup             Mail-SRS 0.31
6maintainers             hostwizard.com:scott
8description             Mail::SRS - Interface to Sender Rewriting Scheme
10long_description        The Sender Rewriting Scheme preserves .forward functionality \
11                        in an SPF-compliant world. \
12                        \
13                        SPF requires the SMTP client IP to match the envelope \
14                        sender (return-path). When a message is forwarded through \
15                        an intermediate server, that intermediate server may \
16                        need to rewrite the return-path to remain SPF compliant. \
17                        If the message bounces, that intermediate server needs to \
18                        validate the bounce and forward the bounce to the \
19                        original sender. \
20                        \
21                        SRS provides a convention for return-path rewriting which \
22                        allows multiple forwarding servers to compact the return-path. \
23                        SRS also provides an authentication mechanism to ensure \
24                        that purported bounces are not arbitrarily forwarded. \
25                        \
26                        SRS is documented at http://spf.pobox.com/srs.html and \
27                        many points about the scheme are discussed at \
28                        http://www.anarres.org/projects/srs/ \
29                        \
30                        For a better understanding of this code and how it \
31                        functions, please read this document and run the \
32                        interactive walkthrough in eg/simple.pl in this distribution. \
33                        To run this from the build directory, type \"make teach\".
35homepage                http://search.cpan.org/~shevek/Mail-SRS-0.31/
37checksums               md5     1440999563a7b25d5fb03204b03e1060 \
38                        sha1    52e536cf796a9d1a83e6b685dbd1d5b8e6944c88 \
39                        rmd160  5f91268b1f231050b0b047659c4c4f4e932a1d50
41platforms               darwin