Ticket #18860: qt4-mac_Portfile_diff.patch

File qt4-mac_Portfile_diff.patch, 467 bytes (added by michaelld (Michael Dickens), 16 years ago)

qt4-mac Portfile patch to correct 'tolower' issue

  • (a) Portfile vs. (b) Portfile_new

    a b  
    125127    # avoid conflict with other qt packages
    126128    # ensure lower case names
    127129    foreach bin [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/*] {
    128         file rename ${bin} [string tolower ${bin}]-mac
     130        file rename ${bin} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/[string tolower [file tail ${bin}]]-mac
    129131    }
    131133    # Fix the .pc and .prl files by removing ${destroot}