Ticket #18994: Portfile

File Portfile, 974 bytes (added by macports@…, 16 years ago)
1# $Id$
3PortSystem        1.0
5name              ocamlsdl
6version           0.7.2
7categories        devel multimedia
8maintainers       nomaintainer
9description       OCaml bindings for SDL
10long_description  \
11    SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display\
12    framebuffer across multiple platforms. OCamlSDL is an OCaml interface to the SDL and might be used to write multimedia\
13    applications in Objective Caml.
14homepage          http://ocamlsdl.sourceforge.net
15platforms         darwin
16master_sites      sourceforge
17checksums         md5    0707a9cf80bd9cfe18ad660dc077bad6         \
18                  sha1   eddaefdc2897bf46c5bc2e87f402966c901c8390 \
19                  rmd160 8a7bebda15e80c9d6c9dcda4ce6c431de8dcfc93
20patchfiles              patch-configure.diff patch-src-Makefile.diff
21depends_lib       port:libsdl port:libsdl_image port:libsdl_mixer port:libsdl_ttf port:ocaml port:lablgl