Ticket #18995: Portfile

File Portfile, 798 bytes (added by macports@…, 16 years ago)
1# $Id$
3PortSystem        1.0
5name              flashdot
6version           0.7.8
7categories        science
8maintainers       macports@tobias-elze.de
9description       FlashDot is a generator for psychophysical experiments.
10long_description  \
11    FlashDot is intended for generating and presenting\
12    visual perceptual experiments that require a high temporal precision. \
13    It is controlled by a simple experiment building language and allows \
14    experiment generation with either a text or a graphical editor.
15homepage          http://flashdot.sourceforge.net
16platforms         darwin
17fetch.type        svn
18worksrcdir       src
19svn.url           https://flashdot.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/flashdot/trunk/src
20svn.tag          78
21depends_lib       port:ocamlsdl port:ocamlgsl port:lablgl