Ticket #19148: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.5 KB (added by mellon85@…, 16 years ago)
1# $Id$
3PortSystem 1.0
4name             mongoose
5version          2.5
6categories       www
7maintainers      nomaintainer
8description      embeddable MIT-licensed web server
9extract.suffix      .tgz
10long_description \
11    Easy to use web server for Windows and UNIX. Mongoose provides simple\n\
12    and clean API for embedding it into existing programs. Targeting Web\n\
13    application developers, embedded system developers, and people who need\n\
14    to setup file sharing quickly. Features:\n\
15    \
16    * Crossplatform - works on Windows and most flavors of UNIX\n\
17    * No configuration required (see below)\n\
18    * CGI, SSL, SSI, Digest (MD5) authorization, resumed download, aliases\n\
19    * IP-based ACL, Windows service, Keep-Alive, GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE methods\n\
20    * Small footprint: 35 Kb executable on Linux 2.6 i386 system\n\
21    * Simple and clean embedded API. Source is in single .c file to make embedding easy\n\
22    * Native language suport for:\n\
23          \to C \n\
24          \to C++\n\
25    \n\tSome of the absent features: virtual hosts, user home directories, traffic shaping, FCGI.\n
27homepage         http://code.google.com/p/mongoose/
28platforms        darwin
29master_sites     googlecode
30worksrcdir       mongoose
31build.args       bsd
32checksums        sha1 8788462bda7cbcdd64b50baff221dc0c90033245
34use_configure    no
36destroot {
37        xinstall ${worksrcpath}/mongoose ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
38        xinstall ${worksrcpath}/mongoose.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1