Ticket #19899: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.2 KB (added by adfernandes (Andrew Fernandes), 15 years ago)
2PortSystem                      1.0
4name                            libicns
5version                         0.7.0
6categories                      graphics devel
7maintainers                     andrew@fernandes.org
8description                     libicns is a library for manipulation of the Mac OS icns resource format and includes the icns2png converter
9long_description \
10    libicns is a library for manipulation of the Mac OS icns resource format, also known \
11    as the IconFamily resource type. It can read and write files from the Mac OS X icns \
12    format, as well as read from Mac OS resource files and macbinary encoded Mac OS \
13    resource forks. As of release 0.5.9, it can fully read and write any 128x128 and all \
14    smaller 32-bit icons, and read support for 8-bit, 4-bit, and 1-bit icons. If linked \
15    against Jasper, it also has full support for 256x256 and 512x512 32-bit icons with \
16    masks as alpha channels. libicns includes icns2png, a tool for extracting the images \
17    contained within icns files, and saving them as png images. It also includes png2icns, \
18    a tool for creating icns files from a set of png images. \
20homepage                        http://icns.sourceforge.net/
21master_sites            sourceforge
23platforms           darwin
25checksums           sha1 96e66119f4d8e6736b9d44120bff8c337d400ce5
27depends_lib             port:zlib port:libpng port:jasper