Ticket #20218: Makefile.in.diff

File Makefile.in.diff, 1.1 KB (added by nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne), 15 years ago)

suggested change, configure,make,make installs for me.

  • Makefile.in

    4141# Remove duplicate entries from the dependency map (could occur with 1.6 and earlier):
    4242        $(TCLSH) src/dep_map_clean.tcl ${TCL_PACKAGE_DIR}
    44         @echo ""; echo "Congratulations, you have successfully installed the MacPorts system. To get the Portfiles and update the system, run:"; echo ""
     44        @echo ""; echo "Congratulations, you have successfully installed the MacPorts system. To get the Portfiles and update the system, open a new terminal and run:"; echo ""
    4545        @echo "sudo port -v selfupdate"; echo ""
    4646        @echo "Please read \"man port\", the MacPorts guide at http://guide.macports.org/ and Wiki at http://trac.macports.org/ for full documentation."; echo ""
    4747        @echo "Stray sources might have been left in the legacy ${localstatedir}/db/dports directory after this upgrade, which moved most of what it could to ${localstatedir}/macports, so you might want to look in the former and cleanup manually."; echo ""