Ticket #20229: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by cfedermann (Christian Federmann), 15 years ago)

New Portfile for py26-soaplib

1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id$
4PortSystem          1.0
5PortGroup           python26 1.0
7name                py26-soaplib
8version             0.7.2
9categories          python www
10platforms           darwin
11maintainers         cfedermann@gmail.com
12description         A simple library for writing soap web services.
13long_description    This is a simple, easily extendible soap library that \
14                    provides several useful tools for creating and \
15                    publishing soap web services in python.  This package \
16                    features on-demand WSDL generation for the published \
17                    services, a WSGI-compliant web application, support for \
18                    complex class structures, binary attachments, simple \
19                    framework for creating additional serialization \
20                    mechanisms and a client library.
22homepage            http://trac.optio.webfactional.com/
23master_sites        http://code.enthought.com/src/
24distname            soaplib-${version}
25checksums           md5 ec4b5039c70d14ff772746b1cbeb83e3 \
26                    sha1 99349968d60a22520f1976b8ace8e76dbc81f30b \
27                    rmd160 bcf87f7d4682c0cbec627247956a91951305f911
29depends_lib         port:py26-celementtree\
30                    port:py26-tz