Ticket #2035: Portfile

File Portfile, 614 bytes (added by lomion@…, 20 years ago)

Portfile for p5-finance-quote

1PortSystem              1.0
2PortGroup                               perl5 1.0
3perl5.setup                             Finance-Quote 1.06             
4revision                0
5categories              perl
6maintainers             lomion@mac.com
7description                             Perl module that allows for grabbing stock quotes.
8long_description                Finance::Quote is a perl module which can be used to \
9obtain  information from a variety of sources, including markets in \
10Australia, USA, Canada, Europe, and a number of managed  funds.
12homepage                http://finance-quote.sourceforge.net/
13platforms               darwin
15checksums                               md5 492fef37cf6124c2f4652c7764bed257