Ticket #20874: 20874.ec.1.patch

File 20874.ec.1.patch, 799 bytes (added by edward@…, 15 years ago)

proposed patch

  • src/macports1.0/macports.tcl

    19101910        }
    19111911    }
     1913    # refresh the quickindex cache from our synced files
     1914    _mports_load_quickindex
    19131916    if {$numfailed > 0} {
    19141917        return -code error "Synchronization of $numfailed source(s) failed"
    19151918    }
    21782181proc _mports_load_quickindex {args} {
    21792182    global macports::sources macports::quick_index
     2184    # purge the old quickindex, since it may be invalid
     2185    if ([info exists macports::quick_index]) {
     2186        unset macports::quick_index
     2187    }
    21812189    set sourceno 0
    21822190    foreach source $sources {
    21832191        unset -nocomplain quicklist