Ticket #2196: Portfile

File Portfile, 953 bytes (added by digdog@…, 20 years ago)


1# $Id: $
2PortSystem 1.0
3name            gtkglarea
4version         1.2.3
5categories      x11 devel
6maintainers     digdog@opendarwin.org
7description     OpenGL widget to GTK+
8homepage        http://www.student.oulu.fi/~jlof/gtkglarea/
9platforms       darwin
10long_description        Just as GTK+ is build on top of GDK, GtkGLArea is built on top of \
11                        gdkgl which is basically wrapper around GLX functions. The widget \
12                        itself is very similar to GtkDrawinigArea widget and adds only three \
13                        extra functions. Lower level gdkgl functions make it easy to render \
14                        on any widget that has OpenGL capable visual, rendering to off-screen \
15                        pixmaps is also supported.
16master_sites    http://www.imem.unavarra.es/3d_mec/download/sources/ \
17                http://www.cis.nctu.edu.tw/~is85005/dports/gtkglarea/
18checksums       md5 cd82b1ca47d9bd13e0b890181b33a871
19depends_lib     lib:libgl.1:glib1 lib:libintl.3:gettext lib:libiconv.2:libiconv lib:libX11.6:XFree86
20configure.env   CFLAGS=-no-cpp-precomp