Ticket #22452: patch-leopard.diff

File patch-leopard.diff, 643 bytes (added by mklein-de (Michael Klein), 15 years ago)

patch posted on mailing list

  • native_midi/native_midi_macosx.c

    107107        if (AUGraphGetIndNode(graph, i, &node) != noErr)
    108108            continue;  /* better luck next time. */
    110 #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED <= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 /* this is deprecated, but works back to 10.0 */
     110#if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1060 /* this is deprecated, but works back to 10.0 */
    111111        {
    112112            struct ComponentDescription desc;
    113113            UInt32 classdatasize = 0;