Ticket #22997: octave-portfile.2.diff

File octave-portfile.2.diff, 1.4 KB (added by todmorrison (Tod Morrison), 14 years ago)

Corrected Portfile patch

  • math/octave/Portfile

    old new  
    66name                octave
    77version             3.2.4
     8revision            1
    89categories          math science
    910maintainers         stechert
    1011platforms           darwin
    7273                    TEXI2DVI="${prefix}/bin/texi2dvi" \
    7374                    TEXI2PDF="${prefix}/bin/texi2pdf"
    75 use_parallel_build  no
     76use_parallel_build  yes
    7677universal_variant   no
    7879test.run            yes
    7980test.target         check
     82if {![variant_isset g95]} {
     83    if {(${build_arch}=="x86_64" || ${build_arch}=="ppc64")} {
     84        configure.fflags-append -ff2c -fdefault-real-8
     85        pre-patch {
     86            reinplace "s|real sdot|real*4 sdot|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
     87            reinplace "s|complex cdotu|complex*8 cdotu|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
     88        }
     89    } else {
     90        configure.fflags-append -ff2c
     91    }
     94variant no_atlas description {use system blas instead of atlas} {
     95    depends_lib-delete      port:atlas
     96    configure.args-append   --with-blas="-framework Accelerate"
     97    configure.env-append    LIBS="-framework Accelerate"
    81100variant gcc43 description {build with the macports gcc43 toolchain} conflicts gcc44 g95 {
    82101    depends_build-append    port:gcc43
    83102    configure.compiler      macports-gcc-4.3