Ticket #23031: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by patrick@…, 15 years ago)

Portfile 0.50.0 for LuaTeX

1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $id$
3PortSystem          1.0
4name                luatex
5version             0.50.0
6categories          tex
7maintainers         gundla.ch:patrick
8description         LuaTeX
9long_description    LuaTeX is the successor of PDFTeX, Aleph and Omega. \
10                    It is a typesetting system based on TeX but full \
11                    unicode aware and programmable in Lua. This package \
12                    provides luatex and texlua binaries only. It is not \
13                    a full featured TeX installation. That means, you \
14                    have to take care of format generation etc.
15homepage            http://luatex.org
16platforms           darwin
17use_bzip2           yes
18use_configure       no
19distname            ${name}-beta-${version}
20master_sites        http://foundry.supelec.fr/gf/download/frsrelease/364/1424/
21checksums           md5 125a21f67ff54440606660306106d331 \
22                    sha1 9fd23438c546b27e6be725bb900cd083fa5b2056 \
23                    rmd160 ad8eb0c9452779905abdcc58a1056c7134de425a
24build.cmd           ./build.sh
25build.args          --parallel
27destroot {
28    xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
29    xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/build/texk/web2c/luatex ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
30    ln  ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/luatex  ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/texlua