Ticket #23205: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 2.3 KB (added by arto.bendiken@…, 15 years ago)

Diff between 0.1.25 and 0.1.33 portfiles

  • net/node/Portfile

    a b  
    44PortSystem              1.0
    66name                    node
    7 version                 0.1.25
    8 categories              javascript
     7version                 0.1.33
     8categories              net
    99maintainers             gmail.com:ceager openmaintainer
    10 description             Evented I/O for V8 javascript
     10description             Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript
    1111long_description        Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs. \
    1212                        Node is similar in design to and influenced by systems like Ruby's Event \
    13                         Machine or Python's Twisted. Node takes the event model a bit furtherit \
    14                         presents the event loop as a language construct instead of as a library. 
    15 homepage                http://nodejs.org
     13                        Machine or Python's Twisted. Node takes the event model a bit further-it \
     14                        presents the event loop as a language construct instead of as a library.
     15homepage                http://nodejs.org/
    1616platforms               darwin
    17 master_sites            http://s3.amazonaws.com/four.livejournal/20100109/
    19 checksums               md5 17ef9f59b583b2159a6d40e88e767675 \
    20                         sha1 62f8815a4f2bfe371578f7fd69b43d6e20a6414b \
    21                         rmd160 06bd878ad8cf53666def5f95f188d9d7a76003c7
     17master_sites            http://nodejs.org/dist/
     19checksums               md5 d34173ead6119b9a593176a9c7522cea \
     20                        sha1 58d763411e3a951aa05f8948c45b3034e5d00361 \
     21                        rmd160 b76961f5170455f7046a5b9b863e943e20c37e9d
    2222distname                ${name}-v${version}
    2323extract.suffix          .tar.gz
    2424worksrcdir              ${distname}
    2626depends_build           bin:python:python26
    2828depends_lib-append      port:gnutls
    30 # v8 only compiles on arm and ia32
     30# V8 only supports ARM and IA-32 processors
    3131universal_variant       no
    3333configure.env-append    LDFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib"
    test.target test 
    4040#    use_configure   no
    4141#    build {}
    4242#    destroot.target doc install
    43 #   
    4444#    depends_lib-append      port:asciidoc \
    4545#                            port:libxslt