Ticket #23272: Portfile-qtiplot-2.diff

File Portfile-qtiplot-2.diff, 1000 bytes (added by nicos_pavlov@…, 15 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    2626                    port:muparser \
    2727                    port:boost \
    2828                    port:gsl \
    29                     port:libpng
     29                    port:libpng \
     30                    port:zlib
    3132checksums           md5     08e4943cadd5ee39e28e4ce0d61d475a \
    3233                    sha1    ad83187af31172794771012072b57a67f9288628 \
    4445    # create the configuration, see build.conf.example which comes with the package
    4546    set confFD [open ${worksrcpath}/build.conf "w"]
    4647    puts $confFD "SYS_INCLUDEPATH = ${prefix}/include"
    47     puts $confFD "SYS_LIBS = -L${prefix}/lib"
     48    # snow leopard seems to need zlib explicitly, see #23272
     49    puts $confFD "SYS_LIBS = -L${prefix}/lib -lz"
    4850    puts $confFD "MUPARSER_LIBS = -lmuparser"
    4951    puts $confFD "GSL_LIBS = -lgsl -lgslcblas"
    5052    puts $confFD "BOOST_LIBS = -lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_thread-mt"