Ticket #23272: Portfile-qtiplot.diff

File Portfile-qtiplot.diff, 578 bytes (added by nicos_pavlov@…, 15 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    4141    # don't step into the manual dir, we don't have all the tools to build it
    4242    reinplace "/manual/d" ${worksrcpath}/qtiplot.pro
     44    # adding system zlib library somewhere
     45    reinplace "s|BOOST_LIBS|BOOST_LIBS -lz|g" ${worksrcpath}/qtiplot/qtiplot.pro
    4447    # create the configuration, see build.conf.example which comes with the package
    4548    set confFD [open ${worksrcpath}/build.conf "w"]
    4649    puts $confFD "SYS_INCLUDEPATH = ${prefix}/include"