Ticket #23340: Portfile

File Portfile, 684 bytes (added by n0ts (Naoya Nakazawa), 15 years ago)

Portfile for msgpack C/C++

1# $Id: $
3PortSystem 1.0
5name                    msgpack
6version                 0.4.0
7revision                1
8categories              devel
9maintainers             gmail.com:naoya.n
10description             Library with a binary-based \
11                        efficient data interchange format \
12                        that is focused on high performance
13homepage                http://msgpack.sourceforge.jp/
14platforms               darwin freebsd
15long_description        MessagePack is a binary-based efficient data interchange \
16                        format that is focused on high performance. \
17                        It is like JSON, but very fast and small.
18master_sites            http://dl.sourceforge.jp/msgpack/45459/
19checksums               md5 f48748dc49bdb4fba14ed4e75e61bc23 \
20                        sha1 19507fc99dead5030bb21681411010db4d3b84f2 \
21                        rmd160 700b2f5d052afdb65386076d3de21e2c1bc7039f