Ticket #23911: update-20100302.diff

File update-20100302.diff, 1.9 KB (added by pkgw (Peter Williams), 15 years ago)

Patch for miriad Portfile that updates it to upstream 20100302

  • ports/science/miriad/Portfile

    old new  
    44PortSystem       1.0
     6# Miriad releases are very infrequent, so our ports will be based on
     7# distributions made from CVS snapshots.  We add a sub-version number
     8# based on the snapshot date to distinguish things.
    610name             miriad
    711set relver       4.1.1
    8 set tardate      20091018
     12set tardate      20100302
    913version          ${relver}.${tardate}
    1014platforms        darwin
    1115categories       science
    2428license          unknown
    26 # Versioning information. Miriad releases are very infrequent, so
    27 # our ports will be based on distributions made from CVS snapshots.
    28 # We add a sub-version number based on the snapshot date to
    29 # distinguish things.
    3130# Files
    3332master_sites http://astro.berkeley.edu/~pkwill/miriad-macport/
    35 checksums    sha1 345422e25fef4f8343d7b7f2b42d5e2c33b3bd88
     33checksums    sha1 5adcad3cb4072bcdbd4dae7770574ef6429aeea4
    3735# We need Fortran support, which the Apple version of GCC doesn't offer.
    3836# So we force the use of a specified MacPorts-built GCC.
    9088notes "MIRIAD programs are not in your \$PATH by default." \
    9189      "You need to run 'source ${prefix}/lib/miriad/automiriad.sh' to set up" \
    9290      "your shell environment to use MIRIAD. (Source ${prefix}/lib/miriad/automiriad.csh" \
    93       "if you use csh or tcsh.) You can put this command in your .profile" \
    94       "or other shell initialization files to have your shells automatically" \
    95       "set up to use MIRIAD."
     91      "if you use csh or tcsh.) *** The 'source' keyword is important here! ***" \
     92      "You can put this command in your .profile or other shell initialization " \
     93      "files to have your shells automatically set up to use MIRIAD."
    9795# Variants. We can easily add more telescope variants as requested.