1 | kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_http' from launcher. |
2 | kdecore (KLibLoader): Loading the next library global with flag 9. |
3 | kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: dlsym(0x101744bd0, PKCS7_content_free): symbol not found |
4 | kdecore (KLibLoader): Loading the next library global with flag 9. |
5 | kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: dlsym(0x101744bd0, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms): symbol not found |
6 | kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: dlsym(0x101744bd0, OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms): symbol not found |
7 | kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: dlsym(0x101744bd0, OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf): symbol not found |
8 | klauncher: kio_http (pid 825) up and running. |
9 | kssl: KSSL initialize |
12 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::reparseConfiguration |
13 | kio_http_debug: (825) Hostname is now: personal.vanguard.com (personal.vanguard.com) |
14 | kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /private/var/tmp/kdecache-mtgs/ksycoca |
15 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::get https://personal.vanguard.com/us/home?fromPage=portal |
16 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::checkRequestURL: https://personal.vanguard.com/us/home?fromPage=portal |
17 | kio_http_debug: (825) Using proxy: false URL: Realm: |
18 | kio_http_debug: (825) Enable Persistent Proxy Connection: false |
19 | kio_http_debug: (825) Window Id = 23068678 |
20 | kio_http_debug: (825) ssl_was_in_use = FALSE |
21 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::retrieveContent |
22 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::retrieveHeader |
23 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::httpOpen |
24 | DCOP: register 'anonymous-825' -> number of clients is now 4 |
25 | DCOP: new daemon anonymous-825 |
26 | kio_http_debug: (825) networkstatus status = 1 |
27 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::httpCheckConnection: Socket status: -1 Keep Alive: true First: false |
28 | kio_http_debug: (825) Calling checkCachedAuthentication |
29 | kio (kioslave): SlaveBase::checkCachedAuthInfo window = 23068678 url = https://personal.vanguard.com/us/home?fromPage=portal |
30 | kio (KPasswdServer): KPasswdServer::checkAuthInfo: User= , WindowId = 23068678 |
31 | kio_http: (825) ============ Sending Header: |
32 | kio_http: (825) GET /us/home?fromPage=portal HTTP/1.1 |
33 | kio_http: (825) User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Darwin) KHTML/3.5.10 (like Gecko) |
34 | kio_http: (825) Referer: http://www.vanguard.com/ |
35 | kio_http: (825) Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */* |
36 | kio_http: (825) Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate |
37 | kio_http: (825) Accept-Charset: utf-8, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5 |
38 | kio_http: (825) Accept-Language: en |
39 | kio_http: (825) Host: personal.vanguard.com |
40 | kio_http: (825) Cookie: HNWPRD=B12; SSLB=0; JSESSIONID=0000T6_dzApD9yRH3RGgmpyIqG0:14pjalra9; TLTUID=AA1207E62A09102A89879DBCB590AC9C; TLTSID=AA1207E62A09102A89879DBCB590AC9C |
41 | kio_http: (825) Connection: Keep-Alive |
42 | kio_http_debug: (825) HTTPProtocol::httpOpenConnection |
43 | kdecore (KNetwork resolver): shouldResInit: /etc/resolv.conf updated |
44 | kssl: TCPSlaveBase::doSSLHandShake: |
45 | kssl: KSSL initialize |
48 | kssl: Setting real hostname: personal.vanguard.com |
49 | kssl: KSSL connected OK |
50 | DCOP: register 'anonymous-825' -> number of clients is now 4 |
51 | kioslave: ####### CRASH ###### protocol = https pid = 825 signal = 11 |
52 | 0 libkio.4.dylib 0x00000001000c954f _ZN3KIO9SlaveBase15sigsegv_handlerEi + 199 |
53 | 1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff835daeaa _sigtramp + 26 |
54 | 2 ??? 0x00020080068a0080 0x0 + 563499818942592 |
55 | 3 libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib 0x00000001022b386b X509_verify_cert + 1995 |
56 | 4 libkio.4.dylib 0x000000010006dcb0 _ZN15KSSLCertificate15validateVerboseENS_11KSSLPurposeEPS_ + 1352 |
57 | 5 libkio.4.dylib 0x000000010006dce7 _ZN15KSSLCertificate15validateVerboseENS_11KSSLPurposeE + 19 |
58 | 6 libkio.4.dylib 0x00000001000d3969 _ZN3KIO12TCPSlaveBase17verifyCertificateEv + 945 |
59 | 7 libkio.4.dylib 0x00000001000d84a6 _ZN3KIO12TCPSlaveBase14doSSLHandShakeEb + 880 |
60 | 8 libkio.4.dylib 0x00000001000d93d3 _ZN3KIO12TCPSlaveBase13connectToHostERK7QStringjb + 1557 |
61 | 9 kio_http.so 0x00000001021f3c33 _ZN12HTTPProtocol18httpOpenConnectionEv + 1259 |
62 | 10 kio_http.so 0x00000001021f8b9e _ZN12HTTPProtocol8httpOpenEv + 10870 |
63 | 11 kio_http.so 0x00000001021f8ed7 _ZN12HTTPProtocol14retrieveHeaderEb + 173 |
64 | 12 kio_http.so 0x00000001021f9387 _ZN12HTTPProtocol15retrieveContentEb + 125 |
65 | 13 kio_http.so 0x00000001021fe9c5 _ZN12HTTPProtocol3getERK4KURL + 627 |
66 | 14 libkio.4.dylib 0x00000001000cce42 _ZN3KIO9SlaveBase8dispatchEiRK9QMemArrayIcE + 1148 |
67 | 15 libkio.4.dylib 0x00000001000cb82f _ZN3KIO9SlaveBase12dispatchLoopEv + 643 |
68 | 16 kio_http.so 0x00000001021e70e4 kdemain + 288 |
69 | 17 kdeinit 0x00000001000036f3 _ZL6launchiPKcS0_S0_iS0_bS0_bS0_ + 4217 |
70 | 18 kdeinit 0x0000000100004016 _ZL23handle_launcher_requesti + 1216 |
71 | 19 kdeinit 0x000000010000467f _ZL15handle_requestsi + 913 |
72 | 20 kdeinit 0x000000010000513a main + 2581 |
73 | 21 kdeinit 0x0000000100000d50 start + 52 |
74 | DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-825-2' |
75 | DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-825' |
76 | kdeinit: PID 825 terminated. |
77 | kdeinit: PID 815 terminated. |
78 | kio_http: (781) HTTPProtocol::closeConnection |
79 | kio_http: (781) HTTPProtocol::httpCloseConnection |
80 | kio_http: (781) HTTPProtocol::slave_status |
81 | kio_http: (781) HTTPProtocol::httpClose |
82 | kio_http: (781) HTTPProtocol::httpCloseConnection |
83 | kdeinit: PID 781 terminated. |
84 | DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-781' |
85 | |