Ticket #24604: syck_version_70.patch

File syck_version_70.patch, 1.0 KB (added by adamdoupe@…, 14 years ago)

Patch to upgrade portfile to version .70

  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id$
     1# $Id: Portfile 56061 2009-08-24 00:33:19Z ryandesign@macports.org $
    22PortSystem        1.0
    33name              syck
    4 version           0.55
     4version           0.70
    55categories        textproc devel
    66platforms         darwin
    77maintainers       comcast.net:lharple
    1414                  Syck because it is so focused on the task at hand that it \
    1515                  will slay you mortally if you get in its way.
    17 homepage          http://whytheluckystiff.net/syck/
    18 master_sites      http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/4492
    19 checksums         md5 a57b7c46d81170b9318e2f384f77910c \
    20                   sha1 acb0aea04a6a0e82220223ffaf889ad6587402eb
     17homepage          http://github.com/indeyets/syck
     18master_sites      http://github.com/indeyets/syck/downloads
     19checksums         md5 198f925b4ed7fe04a182c35014498634 \
     20                  sha1 30f89eba1fae0546ccfa75a9a3b865a3c8a9ac79