Ticket #2472: spambnc.diff

File spambnc.diff, 943 bytes (added by andrea+darwinports@…, 20 years ago)

This is the diff

  • Portfile

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/proj/darwinports/dports/mail/spambnc/Portfile,v
    retrieving revision 1.9
    diff -u -r1.9 Portfile
    33PortSystem        1.0
    44name              spambnc
    5 version           20040421
     5version           20041123
    66categories        mail
    77description       Set of procmail recipies which handle known/suspected spam
    88maintainers       andrea+darwinports@webcom.it
    2020platforms         darwin
    2121master_sites      ${homepage} ftp://ftp.spambouncer.org/
    2222distfiles         sb.tar.gz
    23 checksums         md5 0b5205427c0a250985785fe45100efaa
     23checksums         md5 48be79f831e86f4dfe951fef051fcb34 \
     24                  sha1 712ce358a76bde7828efd6c30e842b80e7c26af9
    2425depends_run       bin:procmail:procmail
    2526patchfiles        patch-procmail.rc