Ticket #25039: cherokee-1.0.1.portfile.patch

File cherokee-1.0.1.portfile.patch, 1.4 KB (added by davidfavor (David Favor), 14 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name            cherokee
    6 version         0.99.24
     6version         1.0.1
     7revision        0
    78categories      www
    89platforms       darwin
    9 maintainers     gmail.com:leidel
     10maintainers     davidfavor.com:david
    1012description     Cherokee web server
    1113long_description \
    1214  Cherokee is a relatively new HTTP server designed to be as\
    1315  performant as Apache and lighttpd, but much easier to \
    1416  configure and maintain.  It ships out-of-the-box SCGI \
    1517  support, making it ideal for deploying dynamic websites.
    1619homepage        http://www.cherokee-project.com/
    17 master_sites    http://www.cherokee-project.com/download/0.99/${version}
     20master_sites    http://www.cherokee-project.com/download/1.0/${version}
    1821distname        ${name}-${version}
    19 checksums       md5     5afed8bdd6020dc5bf0ba9ec83b947f1 \
    20                 sha1    a4a81bd9a99ba631f93f593d25a3c69acf8c7455
     23checksums       md5    fd2e93e1b6d9a3ec6ee243d3426c76b5 \
     24                sha1   22287677ed03087f1f4eb99302dac8dd97b43ef7 \
     25                rmd160 df09d878a898837fde0060eaa79930b0ef564dc5
    2127depends_lib     port:pcre \
    2228                port:zlib \
    23                 port:libgeoip
     29                port:libgeoip \
     30                port:rrdtool
    2532configure.args    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man