Ticket #25903: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.5 KB (added by jul_bsd@…, 14 years ago)
1# $Id$
3PortSystem          1.0
5name                tcpxtract
6version             1.0.1
7categories          net security
8platforms           darwin
9maintainers         ports@
10description         tool for extracting files from network traffic based on file signatures
11#long_description    tcpxtract is a tool for extracting files from network traffic based on file signatures. Extracting files based on file type headers and footers (sometimes called "carving") is an age old data recovery technique. Tools like Foremost employ this technique to recover files from arbitrary data streams. Tcpxtract uses this technique specifically for the application of intercepting files transmitted across a network. Other tools that fill a similar need are driftnet and EtherPEG. driftnet and EtherPEG are tools for monitoring and extracting graphic files on a network and is commonly used by network administrators to police the internet activity of their users. The major limitations of driftnet and EtherPEG is that they only support three filetypes with no easy way of adding more. The search technique they use is also not scalable and does not search across packet boundries.
12homepage            http://tcpxtract.sourceforge.net/
13master_sites        sourceforge
15checksums           md5     1d8fe172d4590c33a157798e08dc0ccd \
16                    sha1    48fce86ac87e5467cb671236a7247474f69bac9d \
17                    rmd160  0577bdaa1ab57457c805fb49376aa305ae4d9457
19configure.type      gnu
20configure.args-append --mandir=${prefix}/share/man