Ticket #25987: patch-client-options.c.diff

File patch-client-options.c.diff, 727 bytes (added by bitaxis (Nathan Brazil), 14 years ago)

Game client patch file (applies to both freeciv and freeciv-x11 ports)

  • client/

    old new  
    472472                         "the sound plugin.  The new plugin won't take "
    473473                         "effect until you restart Freeciv.  Changing this "
    474474                         "is the same as using the -P command-line option."),
    475                       COC_SOUND, GUI_LAST, NULL, get_soundplugin_list, NULL),
     475                      COC_SOUND, GUI_LAST, "sdl", get_soundplugin_list, NULL),
    476476  /* gui_gtk2_default_theme_name and gui_sdl_default_theme_name are
    477477   * different settings to avoid client crash after loading the
    478478   * style for the other gui.  Keeps 2 different options! */