Ticket #2612: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.4 KB (added by sal@…, 20 years ago)

portfile for new port

1# $Id: Portfile,v 1.8 2004/11/29 14:17:29 michaelm Exp $
3PortSystem 1.0
5name              hfspax
6version           1fc4
7revision          1
8categories        archivers
9description       compression utility
10maintainers       michaelm@opendarwin.org
11long_description  hfspax is a modified (alright, hacked!) version of the standard Mac OS X and UNIX tool, pax. It addresses one of the few significant omissions from Mac OS X  the ability to perform proper backups, and to restore from them.
12homepage          http://homepage.mac.com/howardoakley
13master_sites      http://homepage.mac.com/howardoakley/.cv/howardoakley/Public
14distfiles         ${name}${version}.tar.gz-link.gz
15checksums         md5 6ea9d754584fe718f3ed643b1e070d1b
16worksrcdir        ${name}MasterF
17use_configure     no
19build {}
20destroot {
21        file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${name}-${version}
22        file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
23        file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/man/man1
24        file copy ${worksrcpath}/DropUnarchive.app ${destroot}Applications
25        file copy ${worksrcpath}/MakeARescuePartition.txt ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${name}-${version}
26        file copy ${worksrcpath}/Readme.rtf ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${name}-${version}
27        file copy ${worksrcpath}/ThisRelease.rtf ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${name}-${version}
28        file copy ${worksrcpath}/hfspax ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
29        file copy ${worksrcpath}/hfspax.1 ${destroot}${prefix}/man/man1
30        file copy ${worksrcpath}/hfspaxWithoutTears.rtf ${destroot}${prefix}/doc/${name}-${version}