Ticket #2672: coq.diff

File coq.diff, 2.4 KB (added by reilles@…, 20 years ago)

the patch

  • Portfile

    RCS file: /Volumes/src/cvs/od/proj/darwinports/dports/lang/coq/Portfile,v
    retrieving revision 1.5
    diff -u -r1.5 Portfile
    11# $Id: Portfile,v 1.5 2004/10/28 22:57:32 mww Exp $
    2 PortSystem 1.0
    3 name            coq
    4 version         8.0pl1
    5 categories      lang math
    6 maintainers     reilles@loria.fr
    7 description     Proof assistant for higher-order logic
     2PortSystem  1.0
     3name        coq
     4version     8.0pl2
     5categories  lang math
     6maintainers reilles@loria.fr
     7description Proof assistant for higher-order logic
    88long_description  \
    9         Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic,\
    10         which allows the development of computer programs consistent with \
    11         their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and \
    12         Camlp4.  For more information, see <http://coq.inria.fr/>.
    13 master_sites    ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/coq/V8.0pl1/
     9  Coq is a proof assistant for higher-order logic,\
     10  which allows the development of computer programs consistent with \
     11  their formal specification. It is developed using Objective Caml and \
     12  Camlp4.  For more information, see <http://coq.inria.fr/>.
     13homepage      http://coq.inria.fr
     14master_sites  ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/coq/V8.0pl2/
    15 distfiles               ${name}-${version}.tar.gz:coq \
    16                         patch-coq-${version}-ocaml-3.08.1:coqpatch
     16distfiles          ${name}-${version}.tar.gz:coq \
    18 checksums       ${name}-${version}.tar.gz md5 95237e64081d7306fdea49e1988bde12 \
    19                                         patch-coq-${version}-ocaml-3.08.1 md5 02ac210c6af5d8e258a2805a22822a8b
     18checksums ${name}-${version}.tar.gz sha1 58d0c054c9b50ef12b462f97df2424ee3baa25ab
    21 pre-patch {
    22         system "cd ${workpath}/${name}-${version} && \
    23                 patch -p0 < ${distpath}/patch-coq-${version}-ocaml-3.08.1"
    24 }
    26 configure.pre_args      -prefix ${prefix}
    27 configure.args          -emacslib ${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/
    28 depends_build   bin:ocamlc:ocaml
    29 build.target    world
    30 destroot.target install
    31 destroot.destdir COQINSTALLPREFIX=${destroot} FULLMANDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/
     20configure.pre_args -prefix ${prefix}
     21configure.args     -emacslib ${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/
     22depends_build      bin:ocamlc:ocaml
     23build.target       world
     24destroot.target    install
     25destroot.destdir   COQINSTALLPREFIX=${destroot} \
     26                   FULLMANDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/