Ticket #27033: patch-setup.py.diff

File patch-setup.py.diff, 1.4 KB (added by tcwan (TC Wan), 14 years ago)

Fixed LightAquaBlue.bridgesupport file path

  • setup.py

    old new  
    3939    description="Cross-platform Python Bluetooth library for Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and Python for Series 60.",
    4040    long_description="LightBlue is a cross-platform Python Bluetooth library for Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and Python for Series 60. It provides support for device and service discovery (with and without end-user GUIs), a standard socket interface for RFCOMM sockets, sending and receiving of files over OBEX, advertising of RFCOMM and OBEX services, and access to local device information.",
    4141    license="GPL",
    42     packages=["lightblue"],
    43     package_dir={"lightblue":getpackagedir()},
     42    packages=["lightblue","LightAquaBlue"],
     43    package_dir={"lightblue":getpackagedir(), "LightAquaBlue":"%s/LightAquaBlue" % getpackagedir()},
     44    package_data={"lightblue":[ ], "LightAquaBlue":["LightAquaBlue.bridgesupport"]},
    4445    ext_modules=getextensions(),
    4546    classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
    4647        "Intended Audience :: Developers",
    6263if MAC:
    6364    if "install" in sys.argv:
    6465        import os
    65         os.chdir("src/mac/LightAquaBlue")
     66        os.chdir("src/mac/LightAquaBlue-xcode")
    6667        os.system("xcodebuild install -target LightAquaBlue -configuration Release DSTROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Library/Frameworks DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES")