1 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *ALLOC-INTERVAL* ...) |
2 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE NUMBER ...)) |
3 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *MAX-SAMPLES* ...) |
4 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE SB-INT:INDEX ...)) |
5 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFSTRUCT (SAMPLES) ...) |
6 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ...) |
7 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ...) |
8 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ...) |
9 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFTYPE REPORT-TYPE ...) |
10 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *SAMPLING-MODE* ...) |
11 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE # ...)) |
12 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *ALLOC-REGION-SIZE* ...) |
13 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE NUMBER ...)) |
14 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *SAMPLES* ...) |
15 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE # ...)) |
16 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *PROFILING* ...) |
17 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE # ...)) |
18 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *SAMPLING* ...) |
19 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE BOOLEAN ...)) |
20 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *SHOW-PROGRESS* ...) |
21 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *OLD-SAMPLING* ...) |
22 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *ENCAPSULATIONS* ...) |
23 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN TURN-OFF-SAMPLING ...) |
24 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN TURN-ON-SAMPLING ...) |
25 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN SHOW-PROGRESS ...) |
26 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN START-SAMPLING ...) |
27 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN STOP-SAMPLING ...) |
28 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFMACRO WITH-SAMPLING ...) |
29 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (INLINE DEBUG-INFO)) |
30 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN DEBUG-INFO ...) |
31 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN ENSURE-SAMPLES-VECTOR ...) |
32 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (INLINE RECORD)) |
33 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN RECORD ...) |
34 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN RECORD-TRACE-START ...) |
35 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *PROFILED-THREADS* ...) |
36 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE # ...)) |
37 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *TIMER-THREAD* ...) |
38 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PROFILED-THREADS ...) |
39 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PROFILED-THREAD-P ...) |
40 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *PROFILER-LOCK* ...) |
41 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *DISTRIBUTION-LOCK* ...) |
42 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFINE-ALIEN-ROUTINE PTHREAD-KILL ...) |
43 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN THREAD-DISTRIBUTION-HANDLER ...) |
44 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN SIGPROF-HANDLER ...) |
45 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN CODE-START ...) |
46 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN CODE-BOUNDS ...) |
47 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFMACRO WITH-PROFILING ...) |
48 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *TIMER* ...) |
49 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *OLD-ALLOC-INTERVAL* ...) |
50 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *OLD-SAMPLE-INTERVAL* ...) |
51 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN START-PROFILING ...) |
52 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN STOP-PROFILING ...) |
53 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN RESET ...) |
54 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN MAKE-NODE ...) |
55 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *NAME->NODE*) |
56 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFMACRO WITH-LOOKUP-TABLES ...) |
57 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN LOOKUP-NODE ...) |
58 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN COLLECT-NODES ...) |
59 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN MAKE-CALL-GRAPH-1 ...) |
60 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN REDUCE-CALL-GRAPH ...) |
61 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN COMPUTE-ACCRUED-COUNTS ...) |
62 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN MAKE-CALL-GRAPH ...) |
63 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PRINT-SEPARATOR ...) |
64 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN SAMPLES-PERCENT ...) |
65 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PRINT-CALL-GRAPH-HEADER ...) |
66 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE # ...)) |
67 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *REPORT-SORT-BY* ...) |
68 | :info:build ; compiling (DECLAIM (TYPE # ...)) |
69 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFVAR *REPORT-SORT-ORDER* ...) |
70 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PRINT-FLAT ...) |
71 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PRINT-CYCLES ...) |
72 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PRINT-GRAPH ...) |
73 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN REPORT ...) |
74 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN SAMPLE-PC-FROM-PC-OR-OFFSET ...) |
75 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN ADD-DISASSEMBLY-PROFILE-NOTE ...) |
76 | :info:build ; compiling (PUSHNEW (QUOTE ADD-DISASSEMBLY-PROFILE-NOTE) ...) |
77 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PROFILE-CALL-COUNTS ...) |
78 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN PROFILE-CALL-COUNTS-FOR-FUNCTION ...) |
79 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN UNPROFILE-CALL-COUNTS ...) |
80 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN ENABLE-CALL-COUNTING ...) |
81 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN DISABLE-CALL-COUNTING ...) |
82 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN ENABLE-CALL-COUNTING-FOR-FUNCTION ...) |
83 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN TEST-0 ...) |
84 | :info:build ; compiling (DEFUN TEST ...) |
85 | :info:build ; compiling (PROVIDE (QUOTE SB-SPROF)) |
86 | :info:build |
87 | :info:build ; SYS:CONTRIB;SB-SPROF;SB-SPROF.FASL.NEWEST written |
88 | :info:build ; compilation finished in 0:00:02.426 |
89 | :info:build * true |
90 | :info:build |
91 | :info:build WARNING! Some of the contrib modules did not build successfully or pass |
92 | :info:build their self-tests. Failed contribs:" |
93 | :info:build sb-posix |
94 | :info:build shell command "unset LD_PREBIND && unset LD_PREBIND_ALLOW_OVERLAP && cd /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_sbcl/work/sbcl-1.0.43 && sh make.sh "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_sbcl/work/sbcl-1.0.30-x86-darwin/src/runtime/sbcl --core /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_sbcl/work/sbcl-1.0.30-x86-darwin/output/sbcl.core --disable-debugger --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null" --prefix=/opt/local" returned error 1 |
95 | :error:build Target org.macports.build returned: shell command failed |
96 | :debug:build Backtrace: shell command failed |
97 | while executing |
98 | "$procedure $targetname" |
99 | :info:build Warning: the following items did not execute (for sbcl): org.macports.activate org.macports.build org.macports.destroot org.macports.install |
100 | :notice:build Log for sbcl is at: /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_sbcl/main.log |