Ticket #27229: tora-qt4-mac.diff

File tora-qt4-mac.diff, 3.6 KB (added by petr@…, 14 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    77name                    TOra
    88version                 2.1.3
    9 revision                1
     9revision                2
    1010description             GUI tool for Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL
    1111long_description        Database developer/DBA frontend for various DB servers.
    1212maintainers             scribus.info:petr
    2525# WARNING: postgresql83 is there due to qt4-mac's dependency on it.
    2626# It's dangerous to mix library versions in one binary. It's required
    2727# to spot qt4-mac's dependencies' version bumps.
    28 depends_lib             port:postgresql83 \
    29                         port:qscintilla \
     28depends_lib             port:qscintilla \
    3029                        port:oracle-instantclient
    3231patchfiles              patch-osx_tools-Info.plist.in.diff
    3635# -Dmacports_prefix is there due to the patch for the Info.plist file
    3736configure.args          -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=${prefix}/lib \
    3837                        -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=${prefix}/include \
     38                        -DUSE_PCH=0 \
    3939                        -Dmacports_prefix=${prefix} \
    4040                        -DORACLE_PATH_INCLUDES=${prefix}/lib/oracle/sdk/include \
    4141                        -DORACLE_PATH_LIB=${prefix}/lib/oracle \
    42                         -DPOSTGRESQL_PATH_INCLUDES=${prefix}/include/postgresql83 \
    43                         -DPOSTGRESQL_PATH_LIB=${prefix}/lib/postgresql83 \
    4442                        -DWANT_BUNDLE=1 \
    45                         -DWANT_BUNDLE_STANDALONE=1 \
     43                        -DWANT_BUNDLE_STANDALONE=0 \
    4644                        -DWANT_RPM=0 \
    4745                        -DWANT_INTERNAL_QSCINTILLA=0 \
    4846                        -DENABLE_DB2=0 \
    4947                        ${qt_cmake_defines} .
    51 # qscintilla is not universal
    52 universal_variant       no
    54 variant no_pgsql description {Disable native PostgreSQL support} {
    55     depends_lib-delete          port:postgresql83
     51# Postgresql - it should follow qt4-mac variants for this DB
     52variant psql83 conflicts psql84 psql90 psql91 \
     53description {Enable Postgre SQL Driver version 8.3} {}
     55variant psql84 conflicts psql83 psql90 psql91 \
     56description {Enable Postgre SQL Driver version 8.4} {}
     58variant psql90 conflicts psql83 psql84 psql91 \
     59description {Enable Postgre SQL Driver version 9.0} {}
     61variant psql91 conflicts psql83 psql84 psql90 \
     62description {Enable Postgre SQL Driver version 9.1} {}
     64set psql_version ""
     65if {[variant_isset psql83]} {
     66    set psql_version "83"
     67} elseif {[variant_isset psql84]} {
     68    set psql_version "84"
     69} elseif {[variant_isset psql90]} {
     70    set psql_version "90"
     71} elseif {[variant_isset psql91]} {
     72    set psql_version "91"
     75if {${psql_version} != ""} {
     76    depends_lib-append port:postgresql${psql_version}
     77    lunshift header_path ${prefix}/include/postgresql${psql_version}
     78    lunshift library_path ${prefix}/lib/postgresql${psql_version}
     79    configure.pre_args-append   -DENABLE_PGSQL=1 \
     80                                -DPOSTGRESQL_PATH_INCLUDES=${prefix}/include/postgresql${psql_version} \
     81                                -DPOSTGRESQL_PATH_LIB=${prefix}/lib/postgresql${psql_version}
     82} else {
    5683    configure.pre_args-append   -DENABLE_PGSQL=0
     87# Oracle
    5988variant no_oracle description {Disable support for Oracle} {
    6089    depends_lib-delete          port:oracle-instantclient
    6190    configure.pre_args-append   -DENABLE_ORACLE=0
     94# Debug
    6495variant debug description {provide a debug build in case of difficulties} {
    6596    configure.pre_args-append   -DWANT_DEBUG=1