Ticket #27349: Portfile-kipi-plugins.diff

File Portfile-kipi-plugins.diff, 2.0 KB (added by jgosmann (Jan Gosmann), 14 years ago)

Patch to apply to the portfile

  • Portfile

    old new  
    22# $Id$
    44PortSystem          1.0
    5 PortGroup           kde4 1.0
     5PortGroup           kde4 1.1
    77name                kipi-plugins
    8 version             1.1.0
     8version             1.6.0
    99categories          kde kde4
    1010maintainers         hyper-world.de:jan
    1919platforms           darwin
    2020master_sites        sourceforge:kipi
    2121distname            kipi-plugins-${version}
    22 checksums           md5     f1a92d0fe29bd68de08551a5e607015e \
    23                     sha1    e65c9b6df70651c5cc10a1c7ec16e167b33a991f
     22checksums           md5     5c9b68818afab24a7fe31e4c9580b81a \
     23                    sha1    b5d910ed6e802f41d6580ca42267f810c8ae6760
    2525use_bzip2           yes
    2727depends_lib         port:kdelibs4 \
    2828                    port:kdebase4-runtime \
    2929                    port:kdegraphics4 \
     30                    port:phonon \
    3031                    port:ImageMagick \
    3132                    port:mesa \
    3233                    port:libgpod \
    33                     port:gdk-pixbuf
    34 #port:opencv # This package does not build at the moment on Snow Leopard. If it is not installed, the removeRedEyes plugin will not get build automatically.
     34                    port:gdk-pixbuf \
     35                    port:opencv
    3537configure.args-append ../${distname}
    36 configure.pkg_config_path-append ${qt_dir}/lib/pkgconfig
    38 post-extract {
    39     # change #include <Phonon...> to <phonon...> in all files that
    40     # contain that header.
    41     foreach item [exec grep -lr "Phonon" ${workpath}/${distname}] {
    42         reinplace "/#include/s@Phonon@phonon@" ${item}
    43     }
     39variant no_ipod_export description {Install without iPod export plugin. This variant removes also the gtk dependency. Some had problems installing this port. Use this variant if this applies also for you, but you want to install kipi-plugins anyway.} {
     40    depends_lib-delete \
     41        port:gdk-pixbuf \
     42        port:libgpod
     43    patchfiles-append       disable-gtk-dependencies-CMakeLists.txt.diff