Ticket #2748: Portfile

File Portfile, 867 bytes (added by andre@…, 20 years ago)

The Portfile

1# $Id$
2PortSystem                 1.0
3name                       gsoap
4version                    2.7
5categories                 devel
6maintainers                andre@splunk.com
7description                offers an XML to C/C++ language binding to ease the development of SOAP/XML Web services in C and C/C++
8long_description           The gSOAP toolkit is a cross-platform development environment for C and C++ SOAP/XML Web \
9                           services (SOAP 1.1/1.2, WSDL 1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. \
10                           Includes stub/skeleton compiler, HTTP Web server, and much more.
11homepage                   http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/soap.html
12master_sites               sourceforge
13master_sites.mirror_subdir gsoap2
14checksums                  gsoap-2.7.tar.gz md5 500550247d690ab6eac3a619dd5abff1