Ticket #27503: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.8 KB (added by larry+macports@…, 14 years ago)
1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
2# $Id$
4PortSystem          1.0
5PortGroup           perl5 1.0
7perl5.setup         Mojolicious 0.999941
8categories-append   www
9platforms           darwin
10maintainers         l2g.to:larry+macports
11license             Artistic 2.0+
12homepage            http://mojolicious.org/
13supported_archs     noarch
15description         An MVC web framework emphasizing minimalism and simplicity
17long_description    The Mojolicious web framework is all about minimalism \
18                    and simplicity.  Features include: A simplified single \
19                    file mode through Mojolicious::Lite * Very clean and \
20                    Object Oriented pure Perl API without any hidden magic \
21                    and no requirements besides Perl 5.8.1 * Full stack HTTP \
22                    1.1 and WebSocket client/server implementation with \
23                    IPv6, TLS, IDNA, pipelining, chunking and multipart \
24                    support * Builtin async IO and prefork web server \
25                    supporting epoll, kqueue, hot deployment and UNIX domain \
26                    socket sharing, perfect for embedding * CGI, FastCGI and \
27                    PSGI support * Powerful out of the box with RESTful \
28                    routes, plugins, sessions, signed cookies, static file \
29                    server, testing framework, Perl-ish templates, JSON, \
30                    I18N, first class Unicode support and much more for you \
31                    to discover!
33checksums           sha1    7bc1a96d26756b595f73edad65db5d59e6d9dd13 \
34                    rmd160  7e5f7828cf2b68500225d0726615dfc66baee762
36# Only required for full testing:
37#depends_build-append port:p5-io-socket-ssl