Ticket #28489: Portfile-google-perftools.diff

File Portfile-google-perftools.diff, 1.3 KB (added by BlackFrog1, 14 years ago)

bump version to 1.7 and added license keyword

  • Portfile

    old new  
    44PortSystem 1.0
    66name            google-perftools
    7 version         1.5
     7version         1.7
    88description     Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
    99long_description    These tools are for use by developers so that they can create \
    1010    more robust applications. Especially of use to those developing multi-threaded \
    1111    applications in C++ with templates. Includes TCMalloc, heap-checker, heap-profiler \
    1212    and cpu-profiler.
    1313maintainers     brett openmaintainer
     14license         New BSD License
    1415categories      devel
    1516platforms       darwin
    1617homepage        http://code.google.com/p/google-perftools/
    1718master_sites    http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/files/
    19 checksums       md5     cab3841f23fb93f8c69aedf60afcc43f \
    20                 sha1    84c44c2576d8b06cd179f3c4bbd5a613dc63ce68 \
    21                 rmd160  3c014fa2c2b140374f56678cd10f4427080f4f99
     20checksums       md5     5839cab3723e68a86ed327ebb54d54bc \
     21                sha1    e3a65f71aee9270572f7aafa421858e39da1a9a8 \
     22                rmd160  176451ef2bf6c9090f2446678ff2cca957eb4f42
    2324configure.args      --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
    2425# http://code.google.com/p/google-perftools/issues/detail?id=66