Ticket #29024: patch-remove_build_types.diff
File patch-remove_build_types.diff, 2.6 KB (added by tvb377@…, 14 years ago) |
old new 10 10 CONFIG += qt warn_on console 11 11 CONFIG -= app_bundle 12 12 13 build_all:!build_pass {14 CONFIG -= build_all15 CONFIG += release16 }17 18 13 SOURCES = main.cpp profileparser.cpp profileevaluator.cpp proitems.cpp ioutils.cpp 19 14 HEADERS = profileparser.h profileevaluator.h proitems.h ioutils.h 20 15 -
old new 1 CONFIG += designer plugin debug_and_release1 CONFIG += designer plugin 2 2 TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(qtcreatorwidgets) 3 3 TEMPLATE = lib 4 4 -
old new 1 1 CONFIG += console qtinc 2 2 CONFIG -= qt 3 build_all:!build_pass {4 CONFIG -= build_all5 CONFIG += release6 }7 3 CONFIG -= app_bundle 8 4 9 5 DEFINES += \ -
old new 8 8 DESTDIR = $$IDE_LIBRARY_PATH # /tmp would be better in some respect ... 9 9 10 10 linux-* { 11 CONFIG -= release12 CONFIG += debug13 11 # The following line works around a linker issue with gcc 4.1.2 14 12 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -O2 15 13 } -
old new 7 7 CONFIG += warn_on console use_c_linker 8 8 CONFIG -= qt app_bundle 9 9 10 build_all:!build_pass {11 CONFIG -= build_all12 CONFIG += release13 }14 15 10 unix { 16 11 SOURCES += process_stub_unix.c 17 12 solaris-.*: LIBS += -lsocket -
old new 1 CONFIG += designer plugin debug_and_release1 CONFIG += designer plugin 2 2 TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(@PLUGIN_NAME@) 3 3 TEMPLATE = lib 4 4 -
old new 1 1 TEMPLATE = lib 2 2 CONFIG += shared 3 linux-* {4 CONFIG -= release5 CONFIG += debug6 }7 3 SOURCES = gdbmacros.cpp 8 4 false { 9 5 DEFINES += USE_QT_GUI=0