Ticket #29256: Portfile.diff
File Portfile.diff, 2.3 KB (added by tenomoto (Takeshi Enomoto), 14 years ago) |
old new 79 79 test.run yes 80 80 test.target check 81 81 82 variant atlas conflicts acceleratedescription {use BLAS from ATLAS} {82 variant atlas conflicts no_atlas description {use BLAS from ATLAS} { 83 83 depends_lib-append port:atlas 84 84 } 85 variant accelerateconflicts atlas description {use BLAS from Accelerate.framework} {86 configure.fflags-append -ff2c87 if {![variant_isset g95]} {88 configure.args-append --with-blas="- framework Accelerate"85 variant no_atlas conflicts atlas description {use BLAS from Accelerate.framework} { 86 if {[variant_isset g95] || ([string match *64* $build_arch] && ${os.major} == 10)} { 87 depends_lib-append port:dotwrp 88 configure.args-append --with-blas="-ldotwrp -framework Accelerate" 89 89 } 90 90 configure.args-append --with-lapack="-framework Accelerate" 91 92 if {[string match *64* $build_arch] && ${os.major} == 10} {93 # see http://www.macresearch.org/lapackblas-fortran-106#comment-1721794 pre-fetch {95 return -code error "Accelerate.framework cannot be used by 64-bit FORTRAN code on Snow Leopard."96 }97 }98 91 } 99 92 if {[variant_isset g95]} { 100 default_variants + accelerate101 } elseif {![variant_isset accelerate]} {93 default_variants +no_atlas 94 } elseif {![variant_isset no_atlas]} { 102 95 default_variants +atlas 103 96 } 104 if {![variant_isset atlas] && ![variant_isset accelerate]} {97 if {![variant_isset atlas] && ![variant_isset no_atlas]} { 105 98 pre-fetch { 106 99 return -code error "You must use either the atlas or accelerate variant." 107 100 } … … 122 115 configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.5 123 116 } 124 117 125 variant g95 description {build with g95} requires accelerateconflicts atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 {118 variant g95 description {build with g95} requires no_atlas conflicts atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 { 126 119 depends_build-append port:g95 127 depends_lib-append port:dotwrp128 120 configure.f77 "${prefix}/bin/g95" 129 configure.args-append --with-blas="-ldotwrp -framework Accelerate" 130 } 121 } 122 123 variant accelerate requires no_atlas description {compatibility variant} {} 131 124 132 125 if { ![variant_isset gcc43] && ![variant_isset gcc45] && ![variant_isset g95] } { 133 126 default_variants +gcc44