Ticket #29767: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.2 KB (added by someuser12, 13 years ago)

Portfile proposal

2PortSystem   1.0
3PortGroup    python25 1.0
5name         pdfposter
6version      0.5.0
7categories   print
8platforms    darwin
9maintainers  openmaintainer
10description  scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages
11long_description Pdfposter can be used to create a large poster by \
12        building it from multple pages and/or printing it on large \
13        media. It expects as input a PDF file, normally printing on a \
14        single page. The output is again a PDF file, maybe containing \
15        multiple pages together building the poster. The input page \
16        will be scaled to obtain the desired size. \
17        Much like poster does for Postscript files, but working with \
18        PDF. Since sometimes poster does not like your files converted \
19        from PDF. :-) Indeed pdfposter was inspired by poster.
20homepage     http://pdfposter.origo.ethz.ch/
21master_sites http://download.origo.ethz.ch/${name}/1095/
22use_bzip2    yes
23distname     pdftools.${name}-${version}
24distfiles    ${distname}${extract.suffix}
26checksums           md5     2e78427991ef9d830ac2baea82998849 \
27                    sha1    efca128a0eba06922cc8c82133dcdd1fb0ef2311 \
28                    rmd160  ca57353efdc5b21362edf105938d56ecf09d4c2c
30depends_lib  port:py25-pypdf