Ticket #30174: centerim.ryandesign.novariants.diff

File centerim.ryandesign.novariants.diff, 3.2 KB (added by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt), 13 years ago)

proposed patch for no variants

  • Portfile

    44PortSystem          1.0
    66name                centerim
    7 version             4.22.9
    8 revision            3
     7version             4.22.10
    98categories          net
    109platforms           darwin
    1110maintainers         freebsd.org:miwi
    1413description         Console multi-IM client.
    1514long_description    Console client for AIM/ICQ/Yahoo/MSN/IRC/LiveJournal.
    16 checksums           md5     c43911508205e0277529230c8316a298 \
    17                     sha1    ebe9f4ee2064a2fa10f1084ce26083ccd295673e \
    18                     rmd160  253007e466a211ec740f7843538e4f686ab95cad
     16checksums           sha1    46fbac7a55f33b0d4f42568cca21ed83770650e5 \
     17                    rmd160  2514c871388edb98b4a8957f965ccee3450b968f
    1919homepage            http://www.centerim.org/
    2020master_sites        ${homepage}download/releases/
     22depends_build       port:pkgconfig
    2124depends_lib         port:libiconv port:gettext port:ncurses port:openssl \
    22                     port:jpeg port:gpgme
     25                    port:jpeg port:gpgme port:curl
    2326patchfiles          patch-configure.diff
    25 configure.args      --disable-msn \
    26                     --disable-yahoo \
    27                     --with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \
     28configure.args      --with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \
    2829                    --with-libintl-prefix=${prefix} \
    2930                    --with-ssl --with-openssl=${prefix}/include \
    3031                    --with-libjpeg --with-gpgme-prefix=${prefix} \
    31                     --without-libcurl
     32                    --with-libcurl=${prefix}
    3233build.type          gnu
    34 variant msn description {Enable MSN support (requires curl+ssl)} {
    35     depends_build-append port:pkgconfig
    36     depends_lib-append port:curl
    37     configure.args-delete --disable-msn --without-libcurl
    38     configure.args-append --with-libcurl=${prefix}
    39     pre-fetch {
    40         set fd [open "|pkg-config --variable=supported_features libcurl"]
    41         eval set features [gets $fd]
    42         close $fd
    43         if {[lsearch -exact $features SSL] == -1} {
    44             return -code error "curl must be installed with +ssl to enable MSN support."
    45         }
     35pre-configure {
     36    set fd [open "|pkg-config --variable=supported_features libcurl"]
     37    eval set features [gets $fd]
     38    close $fd
     39    if {[lsearch -exact $features SSL] == -1} {
     40        ui_error "curl must be installed with the +ssl variant"
     41        return -code error "incompatible curl installation"
    4642    }
    48 variant allproto description {Enable support for all protocols (requires curl+ssl)} {
    49     depends_build-append port:pkgconfig
    50     depends_lib-append port:curl
    51     configure.args-delete --disable-msn --disable-yahoo --without-libcurl
    52     configure.args-append --with-libcurl=${prefix}
    53     pre-fetch {
    54         set fd [open "|pkg-config --variable=supported_features libcurl"]
    55         eval set features [gets $fd]
    56         close $fd
    57         if {[lsearch -exact $features SSL] == -1} {
    58             return -code error "curl must be installed with +ssl to enable MSN and Yahoo support."
    59         }
    60     }
    61 }
    6345livecheck.type      regex
    6446livecheck.url       [lindex ${master_sites} 0]