1 | PortSystem 1.0 |
2 | PortGroup kde4 1.1 |
3 | |
4 | name libkdcraw |
5 | version 4.7.0 |
6 | categories kde kde4 |
7 | maintainers users.sourceforge.net:nicos_pavlov openmaintainer |
8 | description LibKDcraw is a C++ interface around LibRaw library used to decode RAW picture files. |
9 | long_description LibKDcraw is a C++ interface around LibRaw library used to decode RAW picture files. \ |
10 | This library is used by kipi-plugins, digiKam and others kipi host programs. |
11 | platforms darwin |
12 | homepage http://www.kde.org |
13 | master_sites kde:stable/${version}/src/ |
14 | use_bzip2 yes |
15 | distname libkdcraw-${version} |
16 | checksums rmd160 f5b076c4beab5c99aaba1fa8cef7b564a38e1ea6 \ |
17 | sha256 0a94af40ce70691c43be3b388a8da69bb497daf1a25b29cbb6ace84056a49735 |
18 | |
19 | depends_lib-append port:jpeg port:lcms |
20 | |
21 | livecheck.url http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/kde/stable/latest/src/ |
22 | livecheck.regex libkdcraw-(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)${extract.suffix} |