Ticket #31758: jbig2dec.Portfile

File jbig2dec.Portfile, 759 bytes (added by dargo@…, 13 years ago)
1# $Id$
2PortSystem 1.0
4name             jbig2dec
5version          0.11
6categories       graphics
7license          GPL-3
8maintainers      nomaintainer
9description      decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format
10long_description \
11    jbig2dec is a decoder-only implementationo of the JBIG2 compression \
12    format. It is currently in the alpha stage, however, it maintains parity \
13    with other available encoders.
14homepage         http://jbig2dec.sourceforge.net/
15platforms        darwin
17master_sites     http://ghostscript.com/~giles/jbig2/jbig2dec/
18checksums        md5 1f61e144852c86563fee6e5ddced63f1 \
19                 sha1 349cd765616db7aac1f4dd1d45957d1da65ea925 \
20                 rmd160 8ee69d11d7aa6c590515a4d84644e273897bb4d0