Ticket #32515: Portfile.diff

File Portfile.diff, 1.6 KB (added by raphael-st (Raphael Straub), 13 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    44PortSystem      1.0
    66name            asymptote
    7 version         2.13
     7version         2.15
    88categories      graphics
    99maintainers     gmail.com:loshea
    1010description     a vector graphics language
    2020                --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
    2121master_sites    sourceforge
    2222extract.suffix  .src.tgz
    23 checksums       rmd160  c38a9224da74bb97a7b63e5ac56ba326b49625d9 \
    24                 sha256  a0ac4815aaa367a8bc5cb3fb462267959f73e982d07fd96392c019c9fdfb7a13
     23checksums       rmd160  1916f4160034d4d76280bfed8ebe0bb898fc80ce \
     24                sha256  89034b7f072fe0476bc00a9c4c52189f67cdc1cb9c07bab1fd88bc50b2e0c887
    2525depends_build   port:texinfo
    2626depends_lib     port:readline \
    2727                port:texlive \
    3232                port:ncurses \
    3333                port:boehmgc
    35 # asy binary fails to compile examples if it is compiled with llvm-gcc-4.2
    36 # clang fails to compile asymptote
    37 if {${configure.compiler} == "clang" ||
    38     ${configure.compiler} == "llvm-gcc-4.2"} {
    39     configure.compiler gcc-4.2
    40     if {![file executable ${configure.cc}]} {
    41         depends_build-append port:apple-gcc42
    42         configure.compiler apple-gcc-4.2
    43         # base (as of 2.0.3) doesn't set cxx for apple-gcc-4.2
    44         configure.cxx ${prefix}/bin/g++-apple-4.2
    45     }
     35# clang does not support the '--no-var-tracking' option
     36if {${configure.compiler} == "clang"} {
     37    depends_build-append    port:autoconf
     38    patchfiles              patch-configure.ac.diff
     39    use_autoconf            yes
    4842post-destroot {