Ticket #32566: Portfile-fgsl.diff

File Portfile-fgsl.diff, 4.0 KB (added by Tom.Schoonjans@…, 13 years ago)
  • Portfile

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     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    12# $Id: Portfile 86229 2011-10-23 04:24:05Z takeshi@macports.org $
    3 PortSystem        1.0
     4PortSystem          1.0
    5 name              fgsl
    6 version           0.9.4
    7 categories        math science
    8 maintainers       takeshi
    9 license           GPL-2
    10 description       Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library
    11 long_description  \
     6name                fgsl
     7version             0.9.4
     8revision            1
     9categories          math science
     10maintainers         takeshi
     11license             GPL-2
     12description         Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library
     13long_description    \
    1214    A portable, object-based Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library, \
    1315    a collection of numerical routines for scientific computing.
    14 homepage          http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/software/mathematik/gsl/fortran/
    15 platforms         darwin
    16 master_sites      ${homepage}
    17 checksums         md5     cee6760809bc1ddbb6172fc8818a76b2 \
    18                   sha1    82f3047a3b1b1970fae741946fd8479f15595362 \
    19                   rmd160  7c12162b4fb64746d91715756c01e52dbb4e0e09
    20 depends_lib       port:gsl port:g95
    21 patch {
    22     reinplace "s| \$bits | \"\$bits\" |" ${worksrcpath}/configure
    23     reinplace "s|fgsl_doc|share/doc/fgsl|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
    24     reinplace "s|\$(PREFIX)|\$(DESTDIR)\$(PREFIX)|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
    25     reinplace "s|error_3\.exe||" ${worksrcpath}/doc/examples/Makefile
    26 }
     16homepage        http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/services/software/mathematik/gsl/fortran/
     17platforms           darwin
     18master_sites        https://github.com/tschoonj/xmimsim/downloads/
     19checksums           md5     bd52565d4f34069ccfa89b359e831ff2 \
     20                    sha1    eb23c5949f819427c417ce96bf42fe83d0f70102 \
     21                    rmd160  f5b33a265b3ba17372d81b832b24c96c57c0da08
     22depends_lib         port:gsl port:gcc44
     23#sed provided by Apple fails here, GNU sed is needed!
     24depends_build       port:gsed
     25configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.4
    28 #pre-configure {
    29 #        reinplace "s|gfortran|gfortran-mp-4.3|" ${worksrcpath}/configure
    30 #}
    31 configure.pre_args-delete --prefix=${prefix}
    32 configure.args    "--prefix ${prefix} --f90 g95 --cc ${configure.cc} --gsl ${prefix}"
    34 post-destroot {
    35     xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/examples
    36     eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/doc/examples/*] ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/examples
    37     xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/make.inc ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}
    38     reinplace "s|../make.inc|make.inc|" ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/examples/Makefile
    39     reinplace "s|-I../..|-I${prefix}/include/\$(F90)|" ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/examples/Makefile
    40     if {[variant_isset doc]} {
    41         xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
    42     }
    43 }
    4528universal_variant no
     29use_parallel_build no
     31variant gcc45 description {build with gfortran from gcc45} conflicts g95 {
     32    depends_lib-append port:gcc45
     33    configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.5
    47 # gfortran 4.3.x does not support complex(c_double)
    48 #variant gcc43 description {build with gcc43} {
    49 #        depends_build-delete port:g95
    50 #        depends_build-append port:gcc43
    51 #        configure.args    "--prefix ${prefix} --f90 gfortran-mp-4.3 --gsl ${prefix}"
    52 #        reinplace "s|g95|gfortran-mp-4.3|" ${worksrcpath}/doc/usage.texi
    53 #}
    55 variant doc description {deprecated. dummy variant} {
    56 #        depends_build-append port:texinfo bin:dvipdf:teTeX
    57 #        post-build {
    58 #                system "cd ${worksrcpath}/doc/; make"
    59 #        }
     36variant g95 description {build with g95} conflicts gcc45 {
     37    depends_lib-append port:g95
     38    configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/g95
     42test.run            yes
     43test.target         check
    6245livecheck.type  regex
    6346livecheck.url   ${homepage}
    6447livecheck.regex {Download .*version ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.*[0-9]*)}